
Donate to Christ the King Ministries

Jesus gave everything. He gave His very life, so that we might live. We joyfully give our time, talents, and financial resources in response to Jesus’ amazing gift, as an act of worship. By giving, we get to participate in the amazing things that God is doing in each of our lives and in the life of CTK.

"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand." 1 Chronicles 29:13-14

Set up giving through Breeze and have the ability to set up a one time or recurring payment electronically.
Please note, if you elect to set up a recurring payment, you will need to contact the office at 706-863-7189 if you wish to change your payment amount or to stop recurring payments.

Everything you donate is tax-deductible, and will be completely used to further what God is currently doing through our ministry locally and around the world. If you have any questions about our how we use your gifts, please don't hesitate to contact us ( Prayerfully consider giving a financial gift to Christ the King Lutheran Church today.


Thank you!

We invite you to consider giving through a recurring eCheck. For more information or to manage your giving, click the links below.

A note about credit card giving: While perhaps a noble gesture, we feel strongly that no one should incur credit card debt tithing to the Church; the Debit/Credit option is here primarily for the use of a Debit card, single occasion giving.

What is Recurring Giving?

Authorization of a Monetary Donation on a Set Schedule

Why Use An eCheck?

It’s Fast and Easy
There’s No Cost to You*
You Set the Amount

What Is An eCheck?

It is a Secure Electronic Transfer from Your Bank to Ours
An Easy Way to Give Without the Checkbook Hassle

How Do I Use An eCheck?

Simply Click the Button Below

Simply Giving

Start Recurring eChecks

If you would like to set up recurring giving through electronic funds transfer, please fill out the authorization form and deliver it to the office.

Stop Recurring eChecks

If you would like to discontinue recurring giving, please fill out the form below and submit it to the office to cancel this service.