New Here?

We saved you a spot.

When you get here:

When you pull into our parking lot, at the front, near the doors there are signs in designated parking spots just for you!

What you need to know:

Welcome! It is a real joy for us to meet newcomers and to tell you about all the good things God is doing in our church family. For over thirty plus years it has been our mission to bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, which results in changing lives and a commitment to follow His example. That means that no matter where you have come from and where you are on your spiritual journey, we want to come alongside to embrace the community and the world.

Here's all you need to know before you show up for your first Sunday morning gathering: Come as you are. Although our time will be taken up by singing, teaching and praying, you don't need any manual to figure out how to fit in. Jesus simply says: "Come to me" and we say the same. Just come as you are!

If you have any questions, please visit the Welcome Station in the Narthex or Coffee Station in the Fellowship Hall and chat with one of our wonderful volunteers.”

Have a question or need special accomodations?