Christ the King Lutheran Church

Christ Centered | Spirit Fed | Mission Driven

Welcome Home

If you are looking for a church home, we would love to get to know you and show you how we connect with God and one another through worship, education and fellowship as well as service within our community.

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Join Us This Sunday

We welcome you to join us to worship the one true God
- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -
and be spiritually fed by His Word and His presence.

We offer two different Christ-centered worship services
on Sunday mornings:

9:00 AM
9:00 AM

Our Classic Worship Service follows a traditional pattern of Lutheran worship and includes hymns, prayers, scripture readings, a sermon, and weekly sharing of Holy Communion. This service also features a choir, organ, piano, and occasional handbells.

11:00 AM
11:00 AM

Our Modern Worship Service features popular Christian music and more modern arrangements of well-known hymns. This service is led by a praise team with guitars, keyboard, and drums. The Modern service also includes prayers, scripture readings, a sermon, and weekly sharing of Holy Communion.

Spiritual Growth

Want to grow in your faith? Find out more about how we learn and grow together…

Get Involved

CTK offers lots of ways to plug in and get involved both inside and outside of the church.

To be a growing church that is friendly, joyful, and inspirational in its leadership, worship, education, fellowship, and outreach
Our Vision

What's Coming Up

Check out what God is doing at
Christ the King!

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